我们和我们的广告合作伙伴在本站和网络周围使用Cookie,以改善您的网站体验并向您提供来自本站和其他广告商的个性化广告。点击允许,即表示您接受为这些目的放置和使用这些Cookie。 了解更多
我们和我们的广告合作伙伴在本站和网络周围使用Cookie,以改善您的网站体验并向您提供来自本站和其他广告商的个性化广告。点击允许,即表示您接受为这些目的放置和使用这些Cookie。 了解更多
By registering an account with us, you can enjoy shopping and earn loyalty points from every online purchases! It also allows you to easily keep track of your order status, as well as your order history. You can also enjoy tier benefits and other perks once registered to our loyalty programme! Not only that, your shopping experience will be less of a hassle through creating a wish list with an account.
You can simply create an account here, or download our mobile app here.
Simply create an online account with us here will do the trick.
You can earn a signup bonus and use it on your first order! All you have to do is create an accounts with us, and 100 points (worth £1) of signup bonus will be automatically gifted to you.
To use the signup bonus, please go to 'My Account' > 'My Loyalty Points' > 'Ways to Redeem Points' and click on the '£1 off every 100 points'. Choose how much available points you would like to redeem by sliding, and you will get your personal discount code by clicking 'Redeem'. Apply this discount code on the checkout page to enjoy the discount.
Loyalty points can be earned through shopping. For every £1 purchased, we will reward you with 1 points. For instance, if I made an order with subtotal of £10, 10 points can be earned from that purchase. If I made an order with subtotal of £15.50, only 15 points can be earned as every £1 = 1 point.
You can also complete fun missions and let us know your birthday so we can celebrate it with you! Visit 'Ways to Earn Points' from 'My Accounts' > 'My Loyalty Points' for all the available tasks!
Please note that no loyalty point can be earned from delivery charges, packaging fees and other charges associated with the delivery of the products.
Loyalty points will be added to your accounts immediately after your have placed an order. You can check your loyalty points history in "My Accounts > My Loyalty Points".
Unfortunately, we do not offer loyalty points to be claimed back if an order is made without logging in. Please remember to login to your account/ have your loyalty card scanned before making the purchase to earn loyalty points.
Yes! You will be able to earn loyalty points from shopping online and in-store if you have created an account with us on our website, and have your loyalty card scanned during checkout at till.
During checkout at the till, please have your loyalty card scanned. Our cashier will let you know your point balance and ask if you would like to redeem any if available.